Monday, March 27, 2017

Heroes officially unite in first 'Justice League' trailer

As much of a Marvel fan that I am, my first experiences with superheroes came from the world of DC Comics. From Superman's All-American values watching the old cartoons to the detective skills of the Caped Crusader during Batman The Animated Series, DC is where I watched these comic book legends enter my life. I watched episodes of SuperFriends on Cartoon Network and then the amazing animated adventures in Justice League of America. Back then, I never thought that I would see a live action film with DC's mightiest heroes.

On Saturday, the time finally came where we got a glimpse of these heroes in action after months of press releases and set photos.

Set months after the events of Batman v Superman, Bruce Wayne/Batman (Ben Affleck), inspired by Superman's (Henry Cavill) sacrifice for humanity, and Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) assemble a team of metahumans consisting of The Flash (Ezra Miller), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), and Cyborg (Ray Fisher) to face the catastrophic threat of Steppenwolf (Ciaran Hinds) and the Parademons who are on the hunt for three Mother Boxes on Earth.

From this trailer, this movie was more about setting the tone and introducing the heroes as Bruce Wayne does a roll call of his recruits. These characters were mentioned in that forced scene during Dawn of Justice where Bruce looked over the files that he took for Lex Luthor. Seeing the Flash in action was definitely a thrill for me but I'm still not sold on Cyborg as of yet. One thing is for sure: no one will be poking fun at Jason Momoa's Aquaman.

The Zack Snyder-directed film looks promising, but I'm keeping my expectations level. Considering that the same director and writing team that wrote Batman v Superman is also behind Justice League, my faith is not entirely that strong. This trailer looks like this movie should be coming out during the summer rather than in November, but the DC Extended Universe already has the summer covered with Gal Gadot's solo adventure Wonder Woman. I suppose that all we can do is wait and see.

Heroes will unite in Justice League on November 17.

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