Sunday, March 26, 2017

Action and Humor mark this update to 'Baywatch'

Hollywood loves to resurrect old television shows and give it a modern makeover on the silver screen. Not all of them have been a success (I'm looking at you, Starsky and Hutch and The Dukes of Hazzard!), but we can't blame them for trying. With the news of Baywatch being adapted for the big screen, who knew what to expect?

That's when you bring in "Hollywood Viagra"...or as I like to call him, Dwayne Johnson. Since the former wrestler joined the Fast and Furious franchise in Fast Five, each movie or franchise that he has joined has reached a new level of success. Not saying that it was all due to Johnson, but he helped. This new preview shows that with the right cast and story, Dwayne Johnson can start or save a franchise.

Baywatch is based on the TV series, which ran for 10 years from 1989-1999. It stars Dwayne Johnson as Mitch Buchannon, the role that previous belonged to David Hasselhoff, and Zac Efron as Matt Brody. These two lifeguards must put aside their differences in order to stop a criminal plot. ABC's Quantico star Priyanka Chopra plays villain Victoria Leeds, who we finally get a look at in this preview. Johnson and Efron are joined by Alexandra Daddario and supermodel Kelly Rohrbach to complete the Baywatch team.

The preview is definitely funny; showing the extreme training competitions that the team puts themselves through, Zac Efron going undercover in a dress, and we can't forget about Dwayne's front bump! Overall, this movie seems a lot more fun that I originally thought and I think it's worth giving a chance, especially coming out this early in the summer movie season.

Hit the beach on May 26th!

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